Brain Builder — Dual N-Back IQ Game

What would you say if we told you that you could become a genius simply by playing a game just 20 minutes four times a week? Well it's true! Now you can have a tool to increase your brain power because Brain Builder is the Android/iPhone version of the Dual N-Back game which it has been scientifically proven to increase your IQ, working memory (short term memory) and improve your attention.

Previously to the Dual N-Back game it was thought that IQ was fixed since birth and that there were not way to increase it. Nevertheless, recently a paradigm shift occurred when a paper was published in the Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America showing that IQ actually can be increased by just playing this game 20 minutes four times a week. Since that study, multiple serious research studies have confirmed this discovery.

Brain Builder is the Android/iPhone version of the Dual N-Back game with the additional advantage that it can be played anywhere at any time using these free times that we always have for playing an IQ game with which will increase brain power.

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Independent scientific researches proved that Brain Builder works!

Brain Builder is the Android/iPhone version of the Dual N-Back game which is the first and only IQ game which has been fully researched by multiple independent studies conducted by the most respected universities. This game has been used in researches by universities around the world and they have confirmed the remarkable results of this game for increasing the IQ. No other IQ game can assure you this guarantee which gives confidence.

This paper published by the National Academy of Sciences presents the original discovery showing that this game actually increases the IQ in an average of 40% in just 19 days. The research was conducted by the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor in collaboration with the University of Bern in Switzerland.

Below there is a list of many others independent scientific studies which confirms this discovery and they has been published in the most influential editorials:

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In High Secret we recognize your right to privacy and our promise is to do whatever it's possible to protect it. These are our privacy policy regarding this application:

  • This application does not require any special permission to run.
  • This application does not send nor receive any data to or from the Internet.
  • This application does not collect any personal information and neither gathers any statistics.

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